Tuesday, 10 January 2017


There's an app for this too. Now to figure out how it works.

We stopped travel and Sebastian, Now Sarah, went to a real Montessori school. It was great. It was expensive. We just started homeschooling again and I am soooo keen to get this blog going.

Got to figure out how to add photos. Otherwise I'll have to find out a better way.

Sarah's been amazing in her learning. She writes, reads, adds up, counts, knows more dinosaurs than I do. I'm most proud of the last one. There's lots to share about it all.

Hella. She's 1.5 now. She's gold. Her fave game is chores. Loves her cars, stacking, puzzles and all the other toddler stuff. Its great.

I'm feeling excited. School has been worth it, but homeshool is way more fun.

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